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Session 3: Lesson 2:

Pace and Balance Yourself


Do you pace yourself at work? If you are a sprinter, you can afford to throw everything you've got into the race. This is because at the end of a fast short run you know you have plenty of time to recover from your intense effort. Most jobs, however, require you to be more like a marathon runner who must pace themselves in order to get across the finish line in a timely manner without collapsing. Like the marathon runner, you need to maintain a certain detachment from the immediate demands of your job, so that you will remember to reserve enough energy to deal with what you anticipate down the road as well as any surprises.


Here are 8 tips for pacing and balancing yourself:


  1. Pay attention to your natural rhythms to determine when you tend to perform optimally, and schedule your most difficult tasks at that time.

  2. Try to set up your day so you shift back and forth between pleasant and more difficult tasks. After something tough, make an effort to schedule something you enjoy.

  3. Schedule periods of time into your day for work-related tasks that are pleasurable though not terribly productive. Try to do this even when you feel rushed.

  4. Take advantage of your coffee breaks and lunches to do things that will reverse the stress response. For example, go to a quiet place and do a relaxation exercise. A ten-minute brisk walk will give you as much energy as a cup of coffee. A light conversation with your co-workers will release tension, and may be just what you need to get a fresh perspective on a problem that was weighing you down.

  5. If you are fortunate enough to have a flexible schedule, consider taking a long break in the middle of the day to do aerobic exercise, a relaxation exercise, or personal errands.

  6. Take mini-breaks throughout the day to reduce or prevent symptoms of tension and stress. These breaks need not take more than a few minutes, and the payoff can be seen in increased mental alertness and productivity. 

  7. Carefully plan the timing and type of vacations that you take to maximise their recuperative effects.

  8. Choose leisure activities that balance the unique stresses of your job. Some examples of this can be seen in the table below.

Use this list to help you generate your own solutions and methods of counterbalancing your workplace stressors.
















This concludes Session 3 of the stress management programme


The ultimate aim of each of these sessions is to provide you with the tool to (i) identify the sources of your job stress, (ii) acknowledge your own negative physiological and psychological responses to these stressors, and (iii) use the exercises in this programme to help you implement a complete stress management plan, tailored for your specific stressors and schedule.


Thank you for participating! Please continue to complete the final feedback form for session 3

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